martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Moving Day

Various moving days, in fact. Last Monday our furniture from Austin finally arrived and since then I have had no time to sit down. Now that the house is more or less in order (it's always less in order than more), time to go to the quinta and arrange all the stuff we sent there. Once again I have proven that if you have to stand up and move around long enough, your feet can hurt even if you are wearing high-tech tennis shoes.

The only good thing about the last couple of days is that the temperature has been cooler in the mornings, and today I was able to drag myself to the park and join the training team. Since I spent the weekend at the quinta and rode my new horse, every bone in my body ached in spite of Advil, but the walk/run seemed to relieve the situation. Now, if I can just find some of those doo-dads that hold your glasses on while you run, I may be able to recognize my fellow trainees. Right now I only know who they are because we congregate on the same street corner in the park, so I say "hello" to anyone who happens to be there. At least I can recognize Adrián...

It's off to the quinta again to see if I can finish up there. God.

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