lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012


This is one of the most defended websites in the U. S. of A.  There is not one single word about the Sandy Hook horror, and you can't contact them with just any comment, either.  If your remarks don't fall within their recognition software, you are given a message saying that you need to send a valid message.

Well I guess so!  My message was valid as hell.  It said that it was incredible that there was not a single word on their homepage in the news section about Sandy Hook (the "news" resembled Fox "news"--only what concerns them and let's try real hard to ignore the rest), and that somebody in a Florida swamp turned over a rock, and there they were....

Considering the almost Alzheimeric memory span we have for the news, a month from now we will have forgotten about Sandy Hook and gone back to our day to day activities.  Once again, the gun store sales are at all-time highs because all the people who live in mortal terror of Arabs or Federal agents stealing their freedoms right out from under their beds are stocking up, because even some of the most noteworthy troglodites are talking assault weapon control.  Oh, that it were so.

That intellectual NRA giant, Charlton Heston, said his right to arm himself to the teeth would be ripped only from his cold, dead hand--to huge applause.  Well, folks, his hand is good and cold and dead.