sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

The long, long road back to 5K

The last four months or so have been terribly stressful.  My mom's fading health, the rollercoaster ride of her being well enough to go the beauty shop one day, and unable to get out of bed the next, plus the necessity of picking up a puppy and driving him back to Monterrey, and finally Mom's death on the very day I was driving home with Karina and the puppy in tow, all have combined to set my running perhaps not to square one, but certainly square two.  All my conditioning has been lost, and somehow I am going to have to get my fat derriere out there and begin regaining all the lost ground.

It may not be as difficult now that the summer is gently leaving us, since I can't run in the heat--period.  And I am also going to have to let the dogs run and play in the back yard until my condition improves, because I can't jog with both of them in the security that all of a sudden Lusso may not jig when I jog and trip me up big-time.  He seems to do fine, and TootSweet is superb, but I need to concentrate on my own physical condition right now.

If it rains today, I am going out to trot in it.  Otherwise...well, it may be too hot.  We'll see.