martes, 16 de agosto de 2011

Still indoors...

It's official. Our summer has been declared the hottest on record. But there are now other exciting issues to add to the delight: our state government has decided to undergo a major revamping of one of the most-used streets and intersections in the whole metropolitan area, and while drivers roast under the sun with the car a/c going full blast, they must wait sometimes more than an hour to get past the tie-up or try to find an alternative route. The surprise is, there aint one. This means that traffic backs up for blocks and blocks during "rush" hour, and next week the faeces really hits the fan because school starts. Mark my words, there are going to be acts of violence.

As it is, under the indifferent noses of traffic cops, yesterday people drove over medians, made illegal turns, went the wrong way down one-way streets, all in an effort to get out of the traffic jam. Our glorious governor is the instigator of said public works, and I predict he will be hung in effigy (mainly because no one can actually get his hands on the real thing) multiple times.

Anyway, it's back to the treadmill for me until next week. My only triumph is that I am still losing weight, slowly but surely. As I told my mother, my bathing suit no longer fits me--it's too big! Although I attribute this mainly to the fact that it has probably stretched, this represents the second change-of-style bathing suit that is now obsolete. My first bathing suit a few years ago after we got a swimming pool was that ghastly kind that looked more like a burka than a bathing suit--nothing was left uncovered, but it made me look even fatter than I was. Then I graduated to a one-piece, high-leg suit which is now defunct. Also as I told my mom, it's just big enough that I'm always worried something will either fall off or ride up. My next suit is going to be one of those Spandex things so tight that your body is distributed everywhere except where the suit is.

It's off to run, this time with an old favorite, "The Day of the Jackal".