martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Mexican talk radio...

Recently a new "news" station came on the air, and its host let us know that it was not the usual news fare--and endless repetition of the same thing hour after hour.  He had that part right, by the way,  as people try to fill in empty air time with a veritable locust swarm of inane remarks and pointless blabbing.  It isn't their fault, they have to be on the air and when there is nothing new to say, you have to wing it.

This guy, however, said that his program was going to be talk radio.  Mexico copies everything else the U.S. does, except mow down its school children with guns, so why not talk radio?  The guy obviously is unaware that except for talk sports--the only thing worth listening to on talk radio--the rest is some of the most banal and uninspired drivel produced by what passes for a human brain.  But okay, no one gets as verbally violent or paranoid schizophrenic as they do in the U.S. because it is illegal in Mexico to do so; you can say what you want but you have to be classy about it--no calling the governor of the state vulgar names or suggesting what he might do with his mother.

And then I realized who this paragon of the pioneering talk radio really is (and no, someone else also has something we could consider talk radio):  He is the anchorman who was fired from a television station because of his chronic, uncontrollable sexual harassment of the weather gals.  True, those poor girls have to dress like ladies of the night, but this guy took the look seriously. 

He has adopted a self-rightous tone, filled with self-important solemnity, which is kind of like appointing G. Gordon Liddy to a human rights committee or as president of an anti-capital punishment group.  The fun just never seems to stop.