viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

The brother of the mayor of Monterrey was videotaped accepting money from casinos; apparently he was too stupid to know what "closed-circuit t.v." means. He claimed he was selling cheese from Oaxaca to the casinos, but you gotta sell one hell of a lot of cheese to get four hundred thousand pesos for it! It has been said that politics is the cheapest form of public entertainment, but that is wrong: it aint cheap, and sometimes it aint entertaining either.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the rumor has it that the reason our municipal district is so safe is because certain individuals in high places have made a deal with one of the cartels--they can sell their drugs as long as they keep other cartels out. This, of course, is just a rumor, and you may have heard how it goes: When someone says "they say that...", just remember that "they" is the world's biggest liar.

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