jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Is it the phase of the moon?

What is it that brings the lunatics out in such force?  After 9/11, there was a slew of anthrax-tainted letters sent out, and it had nothing to do with the terrorist attack, this was a home-grown nut case.  Now, after the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon, another drooling mouth-breather sent out ricin-tainted letters to a Senator and perhaps one or two other people, including the President.  He really must have been smart, too, because he had already sent threatening letters to the Senator, so let's say the element of surprise was somewhat reduced. 

People often think tragedies happen in threes, and if the explosion at a fertilizer factory in Texas--a terrible, ghastly event--is added to the other two attempts on human life, we have our trio of the moment.  As of this writing, not much more is on the news about the cause of the factory explosion but considering the chemicals used, it sounds like a human or technical error.  If not, if this was on purpose, someone needs to be strung up by his gonads (it's always men) and slowly flayed with a dull knife. 

And if all this misery and pathetic human hate are influenced by the phases of the moon or the season, we'd better figure out some kind of medication for it and administer it, post haste, to right-wing extremists.

And just for good measure, to Sarah Palin...

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