viernes, 6 de abril de 2012

Vanilla wafers

No one should be without banana pudding.  The entire world would benefit both physically and emotionally from a big dose.  Unfortunately, as of several months ago, vanilla wafers have been notably absent from our stores here.

There is a specialty store not far from my house that specializes in stuff imported from the U.S., such as fondant for cakes, spices, buckwheat pancake mix, etc.  They may or may not have vanilla wafers, but the prices in the place are outrageous.  It's cheaper to drive to Laredo and stock up on cooking ingredients.  But never fear, the Internet is here!

Yes, it's true, I found a recipe for vanilla wafers.  I will report on the results as soon as I have a chance to try it out.  Banana pudding looms in my future, and probably on my butt as well.

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