miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Class struggle and another Blogspot meltdown..

Actually, I do know about paragraphs, but this website doesn't. There was no way on earth to make it put in the paragraphs on yesterday's entry, so one must simply bear with us. Who knows what it will do with this entry. The website has developed a Hal-like mind of its own which I find disturbing. From around five o'clock to seven a.m., most of the runners on the jogging path tend to be training for half marathons, marathons, or triathlons. No wimps, these! All the trainers are there, the people who help you stretch, the stationary bikes, and other forms of voluntary torture. Around 8 o'clock, however, the jogging path becomes so populated that running becomes a contact sport. I had to go out about 8:10, and the decibel level was unbelievable: groups of men and women walking along and talking at a shout (to be heard over all the other people), dog-walkers sharing inside tips on breeds and how delightful his or her dog is (when anyone knows my standard poodle is tops), and other sundry individuals adding to the noise by panting loudly or dragging their shoes along the pavement. Today was break-through day for me, however. I managed to jog almost the entire distance allotted to me in my half hour. This included a slalom effect as I tried to avoid crashing into others or ricochetting off baby strollers. It even included, amazingly for me, three sprints as I crossed streets in an effort to avoid being mowed down by the traffic, although I still studiously avoid that slightly raised yellow paint on the crosswalks. And yes, everything hurts, but nothing hurts while I jog, and more importantly--I can't emphasize this enough--my knees don't hurt!